

Section 12 of the Public Gambling Act, 1867 provides that games of mere skill are exempt from the application of the Act. The Supreme Court of India and various High Courts in India have opined that a game of mere skill is a game “in which, although the element of chance necessarily cannot be entirely eliminated, success depends principally upon the superior knowledge, training, attention, experience and adroitness of the player. A game of skill is one in which the element of skill predominates over the element of chance.” No penalty can be imposed upon a person for playing such games of skill.

It may be noted that States are permitted, by the Indian Constitution, to enact laws regulating betting and gambling in their respective jurisdictions. In furtherance of these powers, various States have enacted anti-gambling legislations. Such legislations are largely in concert with the Public Gambling Act of 1867 (and include the exception of “games of skill”). Where a State legislation on gambling exists, it prevails over the Public Gambling Act of 1867. In this regard, the Assam Game and Betting Act, 1970 and Orissa (Prevention of) Gambling Act, 1955 prohibits games with money stakes and also does not create an exception for games of skill. Therefore, currently, residents of Assam, Orissa, Telangana , Gujarat , Andhra Pradesh , Sikkim and Nagaland are not permitted to play on our site.

If any player belonging to the above states is still found playing on our website or registers by giving false information, the liability will be solely on the user and the company reserves the right to terminate the user's membership without any further notice and confiscate all his deposits and winnings as the case might be. One Verse Gaming Technology Private Limited Or will not be liable to take any responsibility for players' breach of applicable state laws.